Pesticides are chemicals that control, repel, or kill pests like insects, rodents, and weeds. While pest control is necessary for maintaining healthy crops and gardens, pesticides can also pose a serious risk to pets and children. But you should hire a top-rated St. Louis pest exterminator who knows how to do things.

Here, we will explain the different types of pesticides, how they work, and whether they are safe for pets and children.

Types of Pesticides

There are four main types of pesticides: 

  • Insecticides: Insecticides are used to kill insects.
  • Herbicides: herbicides are used to kill weeds.
  • Fungicides: fungicides control fungal diseases and pests.
  • Rodenticides:  rodenticides are used to kill rodents.

 Each type of pesticide is designed to target a specific pest.

How do Pesticides Work?

Pesticides can enter the body through different ways, which include ingestion (eating or drinking), inhalation (breathing in), or absorption (coming into contact with the skin). Ingestion occurs when you eat food treated with pesticides. Inhalation occurs when a person or animal breathes in pesticide particles. Absorption occurs when a person or animal comes into contact with a surface treated with pesticides.

Are Pesticides Safe for Pets?

Professional pest control takes complete precautions while doing its work. They determine a few things before starting work:

How many of you have pets in your home? 

Do you know that pets are particularly vulnerable to pesticide exposure? 

This is because they often come into contact with treated surfaces and can ingest pesticide residues. Common types of pet poisoning include accidental ingestion of treated food, direct contact with treated surfaces, and inhaling pesticide particles. 

Symptoms of pesticide poisoning in pets include vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and difficulty breathing. To protect your pets from pesticide exposure, it is important to follow company instructions carefully and keep them away from treated areas until the pesticides have dried or evaporated.

Are Pesticides Safe for Children?

Children are also at risk of pesticide exposure, particularly young children who crawl or play on the ground. Common types of child pesticide poisoning include:

  • Accidental ingestion of treated food or soil.
  • Direct contact with treated surfaces.
  • Inhaling pesticide particles.

Symptoms of pesticide poisoning in children include nausea, headache, dizziness, and skin irritation. To protect your children from pesticide exposure, storing pesticides out of their reach and using them only in areas where they will not contact children is important. It is also essential to follow label instructions carefully and to keep children away from treated areas until the pesticides have dried or evaporated.

Regulations and Safety Standards

The Environmental Protection Agency regulates pesticide use, setting safety standards and requiring that all pesticides be labeled with instructions for safe use. Reading and following these instructions carefully is essential to avoid accidental pesticide exposure.

Pesticides can be effective in decreasing pests, but they can also pose serious health risks to pets and children. If you are concerned about the safety of pesticides, We offer alternative pest control methods that you can try. It is important to use pesticides responsibly and to follow label instructions carefully to minimize the risk of exposure.